Photo credit : Fermat Science According to the Larousse dictionary (2021), "manipulation is the act of holding an object in one's hands while using it in any way". Learning is the process by which a person acquires knowledge, masters skills, or develops...
Admiring and telling mathematics
At Recreamath we believe that learning math should be fun first. In the previous article, we discovered a new way to...
From playing with mathematics to admiring it
At Recreamaths, we believe that learning math should be fun. Showing children that solving mathematics problems can be...
Bringing the recreaMATHS exhibits into life: 3D Printing Training Course
Between the 22nd and 25th of November, partners met in Beaumont-de-Lomagne (France) for the 𝟑𝐃 𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠-𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠...
Development of Mathematical Language from an Early Age
Reading equations such as 4 + 2 (four plus two) or 5 – 1 (five minus one) quickly reveals that mathematics has its own language. But how can we introduce this language to preschool students?
Math manipulatives and collections from a museum’s perspective
There are several cultural centres dedicated to mathematics in Europe and around the world. To name but a few : The...
Can interactive apps teach mathematics better than traditional instruction?
Despite concerns regarding the potentially devious effect of screen time on children, scientific evidence has been...
Teaching simple math concepts in kindergarten
Play can be a helpful strategy in an improbable discipline as math. Mathematics is known as an abstract, logical, and...
Mathematics at nursery school: preparation for growth
Does it make sense to "do math" from 3 to 5 years? It seems that talking about the acquisition of logical and...
Accessibility “Made in UniTo”
Maths for students with visual impairments at the University of Turin "Reading" mathematics, for a person with a...