by recreamathsadmin | Apr 11, 2022 | blog
Despite concerns regarding the potentially devious effect of screen time on children, scientific evidence has been clear in demonstrating at length the efficiency of various digital applications for teaching mathematics. This begs the question: are apps better, or are...
by recreamathsadmin | Feb 18, 2022 | blog
Play can be a helpful strategy in an improbable discipline as math. Mathematics is known as an abstract, logical, and rigorous subject. Still, then it does not get enough credit for its true recreational spirit, which is well-hidden from the world. Most of the...
by recreamathsadmin | Jan 17, 2022 | blog
Does it make sense to “do math” from 3 to 5 years? It seems that talking about the acquisition of logical and mathematical concepts by young pupils is too demanding and difficult. Usually, it is thought that in the age group from 3 to 5 years one should...
by recreamathsadmin | Oct 22, 2021 | blog
Maths for students with visual impairments at the University of Turin “Reading” mathematics, for a person with a visual disability (blind or visually impaired), has always been difficult. The discursive part of STEM subjects (Science, Technology,...
by recreamathsadmin | Jul 19, 2021 | blog
Introduction Recently, an increase in non-formal educational activities has been noticed worldwide, aiming to introduce innovative ways of teaching for many subjects including those related to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) as well as...
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